9 May 2023

Allauddin Khilji's Rule

 Allauddin Khilji's Rule

Allauddin khilji

Allauddin Khilji was a prominent ruler of the Delhi Sultanate in India, who reigned from 1296 to 1316 CE. He was born in 1250 CE in Afghanistan and became the Sultan of Delhi after assassinating his uncle, Jalaluddin Khilji.

Allauddin Khilji is remembered for his military campaigns and administrative reforms. He conducted several successful military expeditions to expand his kingdom, including the conquest of Gujarat, Ranthambore, and Chittor. He also built a strong army and introduced various measures to ensure its discipline and efficiency.

Allauddin Khilji's administrative reforms included the establishment of a market control system to regulate prices and control inflation, as well as the creation of a spy system to gather intelligence about his enemies. He also abolished the practice of granting jagirs (land grants) to the nobility and introduced the practice of paibos (payment in cash) to ensure a regular income for the state.

However, Allauddin Khilji is also notorious for his brutal methods and harsh treatment of his subjects. He imposed heavy taxes on the people and was known for his ruthless treatment of his enemies. His treatment of the Rajputs, particularly during the siege of Chittor, has been the subject of controversy and debate among historians.


 Allauddin Khilji's biography 

Allauddin Khilji, also known as Jalal-ud-din Khilji or Alauddin Khalji, was a powerful ruler of the Delhi Sultanate in medieval India. He ascended the throne in 1296 and ruled until his death in 1316. Allauddin Khilji is widely recognized for his military achievements, administrative reforms, and his fierce and ambitious personality.

Early Life:

Allauddin Khilji was born in 1250 CE in the city of Birbhum, Bengal (present-day Bangladesh). He belonged to the Khilji dynasty, which was of Turkic origin. His father, Shihabuddin Masud, was an officer in the Delhi Sultanate.

Rise to Power:

Allauddin Khilji rose to prominence during the reign of his uncle, Sultan Jalal-ud-din Firuz Khalji. He gained recognition for his military skills and leadership, which ultimately led to his appointment as the governor of Kara-Manikpur. Allauddin, known for his ambition, eventually overthrew his uncle and assumed the throne of the Delhi Sultanate in 1296.

Military Campaigns:

Allauddin Khilji was a formidable military commander and expanded the boundaries of the Delhi Sultanate through his conquests. He launched several successful military campaigns against various kingdoms, including Gujarat, Ranthambore, Malwa, and Chittorgarh. His most notable military achievement was the defeat of the mighty Rajput kingdom of Chittorgarh in 1303. The siege of Chittorgarh was marked by fierce resistance from the Rajput warriors, but ultimately, Allauddin emerged victorious.

Administrative Reforms:

Allauddin Khilji is remembered for his extensive administrative reforms, which aimed to strengthen the central authority of the Delhi Sultanate and enhance revenue collection. He introduced several measures to ensure efficient governance and control over the empire. Some of his notable reforms included the market control policy, price regulation, and the introduction of a new taxation system called the "Zabt" system. He also established a spy network to keep a close watch on his officials and implemented strict regulations to curb corruption.

Cultural Patronage:

Despite his reputation as a ruthless ruler, Allauddin Khilji was known for his patronage of art, literature, and architecture. He sponsored the construction of various buildings and mosques, including the iconic Alai Darwaza at the Qutub Complex in Delhi. He also had a keen interest in literature and had a team of scholars translate several Sanskrit works into Persian.


Allauddin Khilji's reign was marked by both military conquests and administrative reforms. His military successes expanded the reach of the Delhi Sultanate, while his administrative policies brought stability and centralized control. However, his harsh methods and high taxes were unpopular among the masses.

Allauddin Khilji died in 1316, and his death led to a succession crisis and political instability in the Delhi Sultanate. His legacy remains a subject of debate among historians, with differing opinions on his achievements and the impact of his reign on the subsequent history of India.

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