22 May 2023

King Ajatasatru's Biography

 King Ajatasatru's Biography

King Ajatasatru biography 

King Ajatasatru, also known as Ajatashatru, was an ancient Indian king who ruled the Magadha Kingdom during the 5th century BCE. He was the son of King Bimbisara and Queen Kosala Devi. Ajatasatru played a significant role in shaping the political landscape of Magadha and the emergence of Buddhism during his reign.

Ajatasatru ascended to the throne around 492 BCE after imprisoning and killing his father, King Bimbisara, with the help of his minister, Vassakara. This act of patricide was driven by a desire for power and was also influenced by his resentment towards his father's close relationship with the Buddha. Ajatasatru believed that the Buddha had conspired with his father against him.

After assuming power, Ajatasatru faced numerous challenges, including threats from neighboring kingdoms such as Kosala and Vajji. He undertook several military campaigns to expand his kingdom's territory and establish Magadha as a dominant power in northern India. Ajatasatru successfully conquered the kingdom of Kosala, which had been a longstanding rival, and made it a part of his empire.

Despite his initial animosity towards the Buddha, Ajatasatru later developed a deep respect for him. He sought the Buddha's counsel and guidance, and their relationship evolved into a close bond. Ajatasatru became a patron of Buddhism and played a crucial role in its propagation. He actively supported the Buddhist monastic community and provided them with various forms of assistance.

Under Ajatasatru's patronage, the First Buddhist Council was convened at Rajagaha (modern-day Rajgir) around 486 BCE. This council aimed to preserve and codify the teachings of the Buddha following his demise. It was during this council that the Sutta Pitaka, one of the three divisions of the Tripitaka (Buddhist scriptures), was orally recited and recorded.

Ajatasatru's reign lasted for approximately 32 years, and he died around 460 BCE. His son, Udayabhadra, succeeded him as the ruler of Magadha. Ajatasatru's legacy lies in his political achievements, his role in the expansion of Magadha, and his support for Buddhism. He is remembered as a ruler who transitioned from a ruthless and power-hungry leader to a patron of a peaceful and transformative religion.

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