23 May 2023

Muhammad Tughluq's Controversial Reign

 Muhammad Tughluq's Controversial Reign

Muhammad bin Tughluq, also known as Sultan Muhammad bin Tughluq, was a ruler of the Delhi Sultanate in India. He reigned from 1325 to 1351 and is often considered one of the most enigmatic and controversial rulers in Indian history. Born in 1300, he was the eldest son of Sultan Ghiyasuddin Tughluq.

Muhammad bin Tughluq came to power after the death of his father and inherited a vast empire that stretched from present-day Afghanistan to Bengal in the east and the Deccan plateau in the south. He was known for his intelligence and erudition, being well-versed in various subjects like logic, mathematics, and astronomy. He had a deep interest in learning and was a patron of scholars and artists.

One of the major decisions Muhammad bin Tughluq is infamous for is the shifting of the capital from Delhi to Devagiri (present-day Daulatabad) in the Deccan region. The reason behind this move was to consolidate the empire's control over the southern territories. However, the plan was poorly executed, and the forced migration of people and officials caused immense suffering and loss of life. Ultimately, the capital was shifted back to Delhi due to various practical difficulties.

Muhammad bin Tughluq was also known for his fiscal policies. He introduced a token currency made of copper and brass, replacing the silver and gold coins. However, the value of the new currency quickly depreciated, leading to economic chaos. He also experimented with a system of double taxation, which burdened the peasants and resulted in widespread discontent.

Despite his efforts to expand and strengthen the empire, Muhammad bin Tughluq faced numerous challenges. The Mongols threatened his northern borders, while rebellions erupted in various regions due to his unpopular policies. He also faced revolts from governors and nobles who sought greater autonomy.

Muhammad bin Tughluq died in 1351, and his reign is often seen as a period of turmoil and mismanagement. However, he was also known for his intellect and contributions to various fields of knowledge. His reign serves as a cautionary tale about the perils of excessive centralization and hasty decision-making.

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