24 May 2023

Queen Maya history


Queen Maya history 

Queen Maya, also known as Queen Māyādevī, was an important historical figure in ancient Indian history and played a significant role in the life of Siddhartha Gautama, who would later become the Buddha. She was the mother of Siddhartha Gautama, the founder of Buddhism, and her story is intertwined with the early narrative of Buddhism.

According to Buddhist tradition, Queen Maya was born in Devadaha, in present-day Nepal. She was married to King Śuddhodana, who ruled over the Shakya kingdom. It is believed that Queen Maya had a dream shortly before Siddhartha's conception, in which a white elephant with six tusks descended from the heavens and entered her womb, symbolizing the future birth of a great spiritual leader.

Queen Maya became pregnant after this dream, and during her pregnancy, she embarked on a journey to her parents' home in Devadaha. However, on her way there, she went into labor and gave birth to Siddhartha Gautama in the Lumbini Garden, near the present-day town of Lumbini in Nepal. This event is said to have occurred in the 6th century BCE.

Sadly, Queen Maya passed away just seven days after giving birth to Siddhartha Gautama. She died in childbirth, and according to Buddhist tradition, she was reborn in the Tusita Heaven, a heavenly realm, due to the virtuous nature of her son. Her death deeply affected King Śuddhodana and had a profound impact on the life of Siddhartha Gautama.

The story of Queen Maya's death and Siddhartha's subsequent quest for enlightenment serves as an important backdrop to the teachings and philosophy of Buddhism. While Queen Maya's life was brief, her role as the mother of the Buddha has made her an esteemed figure in Buddhist history and a symbol of maternal love and sacrifice.

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